Thursday, February 16, 2012

6A and 6B Oceanography

We Hope That You Enjoy The Presentation And Learn Something New! 

Presentation By: Lindsay, Christina, Nina, and Anna.

Also, We Would Like To Thank All Of The 6th Grade Ocean Explorers For Making The Posters!
Here is clip about factual information on our ocean!!!! Please enjoy!!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

My fish is called the, "Four eyed fish."  What we are learning in
Science is about the ocean floor.  We had to pick an exotic fish and research
about it and find interesting facts about it.  We also had to draw the fish
and color it.  We had a big piece of blue paper and we had to put our
fish in the bottom, middle, or top of where it lives. My fish lives near the top.

Recently we have been researching types of fish that
we don't typically see in the ocean anymore. This is a 
video about leatherback sea turtle. We had to share facts,
where it lives, interesting facts, etc. We researched animals
like this one because we had to learn about animals that
live in the ocean. We wanted to learn more about animals
and the ocean that we didn't know anymore. ~CG

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We made a replica of the ocean floor and we labeled the ocean floor. This showed us what the topography of the ocean floor is like.  We made it with 3 people and we worked on it for a couple of days. It was a fun learning experience!   S.P.
We made a replica of the ocean floor with model magic, two shoeboxes, popsicle sticks and cardboard. We had to assign different items for each of us to go out and buy for our project. Putting it together was a great learning experience for me and very enjoyable. We labeled the different parts of the ocean floor, such as the continental slope and guyot. I had lots of fun putting it together with my friends!  D.O.